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Burton Mail Live - watch my latest video in the local newspaper!

I was recently approached by the local newspaper to discuss what motivates me to help others and what drives my business. I am always happy to discuss my business and talk openly about struggling at some points in my oen life. I believe my personal struggles help me to gain a better understanding and be able to provide a better service.

"A Burton mum says she loves "serving her community" and understands what it is like to be in a position where you need to ask for help but are embarrassed to ask.

Lorna Smith, 53, is born and bred in Burton and is currently running a food bank service provide vital help and supplies to the vulnerable and needy in the town, many of who would otherwise have to go without.

But at one time she was a single mum with a young child and struggle to make ends meet while between jobs. And she sees people like she was through her work and volunteering and knows what it's like to be in their shoes.

When she is not giving up her time freely to the food bank, she is a self-employed mental health support worker, helping clients with emotional and mental health issues. And volunteering to help others is certainly in the blood as she has also previously volunteered with Staffordshire Police where she helped support people with mental health issues and she is an ambassador at the Sexual Abuse Rape Advice Centre (SARAC) in the town"

Lets's keep talking! Click on the link below to read the full article on Burton Live or click on the video below to watch via Facebook.


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